Google Chrome users: Microsoft Edge wants to know why you don’t want it
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Google Chrome users: Microsoft Edge wants to know why you don’t want it

Microsoft is reportedly testing a poll prompting users to reconsider when downloading Google Chrome but doesn’t block Chrome installation.

Microsoft has been actively promoting its Edge browser while encouraging web surfers to consider alternatives to Google Chrome. This includes informative banners highlighting that Edge operates on the same Chromium engine as Chrome. Additionally, Microsoft has implemented certain features to make it a seamless experience for Windows users who prefer Edge as their default browser, providing them with a compelling reason to choose Edge over Chrome.

However, as Neowin spotted, it looks like Edge is taking it one step further with a poll.

Microsoft asks Google Chrome users why they don’t want Edge

The following poll will appear on the side after you download Chrome (after you ignore several prompts that discourage you from doing so):

We love having you!

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Can you please take a minute to tell us why you are trying another browser?

  • I can’t search Google easily
  • I can’t access my Google documents
  • I don’t have my favorites or passwords here
  • Too many ads and pop-ups
  • I don’t like the news feed
  • It’s too slow
  • My websites don’t work on Microsoft Edge
  • My reason is not listed

This poll would be better if there was an “Other” button. Because I’m accustomed to Google Chrome, I prefer it.

Google Chrome

As reported by Windows Central, this poll seems to be undergoing a testing phase since its visibility varies among users. Personally, I’ve encountered the poll when attempting to download Google Chrome. Interestingly, it’s worth noting that this survey doesn’t appear when I try to download installers for other browsers like Firefox and Brave.

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While the survey might be considered somewhat bothersome, especially for Edge users who already encounter persuasive content from Microsoft’s browser, it’s essential to clarify that it does not obstruct users from downloading Chrome.

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