YouTube introduces a watch page, shorts for news stories
1 min read

YouTube introduces a watch page, shorts for news stories

YouTube is enhancing news credibility with a curated watch page featuring content from reliable sources, offering diverse formats like long videos, live coverage, and Shorts. Their Shorts Innovation Program for News provides financial grants to news organizations, fostering quality short-form videos and expanding global reach.

YouTube Watch page

In the future, users will be able to explore topics through multiple sources, including long videos, live coverage, and short clips

YouTube is introducing two innovative measures aimed at enhancing the availability of reliable news content on its platform.

In its effort to promote credible news, YouTube’s first initiative involves creating an immersive watch page experience for news stories. This watch page will curate content exclusively from trustworthy sources, ensuring users have access to accurate information on the latest news stories and enabling them to gain a well-rounded perspective on any given topic by exploring it through multiple sources.

The content featured on the watch page will encompass long-form videos, live coverage, and Shorts, offering a diverse array of news formats. YouTube’s second initiative, known as the Shorts Innovation Program for News, is designed to extend financial grants and other forms of support to news organizations actively producing short-form videos on the platform.

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At present, YouTube is collaborating with more than 20 organizations spanning across 10 different countries, committing a substantial sum of USD 1.6 million to advance this initiative. The selected participants in this program are expected to already possess a robust long-form video presence, with YouTube’s support aimed at helping them expand their reach even further.

Mobile users in approximately 40 countries will be able to access the features over time.

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