Payday 3 open beta: how to access, start time, content, and duration
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Payday 3 open beta: how to access, start time, content, and duration

Alright, ramblers, let’s get ramblin’: Starbreeze Studios and Deep Silver will be offering open access to the Payday 3 technical beta this week on PC and Xbox Series X|S.

Xbox Series X|S and PC gamers are in for an exclusive treat as they gear up to dive into the thrilling world of Payday 3 during the open technical beta phase, a precursor to the official game release on September 21. Mark your calendars for the dates between September 8 and 11, as players from around the globe will have the golden opportunity to not only experience one of the game’s exhilarating heists but also play a pivotal role in testing the game’s servers, ensuring a seamless gaming experience for all.

If you’re itching to get in on the action, the Payday 3 official website is your go-to source for all the nitty-gritty details about this eagerly anticipated beta. In a nutshell, the developers have unveiled that during the beta phase, players will have the chance to engage in a single heist, “No Rest for the Wicked,” with the original squad of four heisters at their disposal. This elite crew comprises Dallas, Hoxton, Chains, and Wolf, promising an electrifying gaming experience. However, it’s worth noting that the full game release will introduce two additional characters: the iconic Joy, making her return from Payday 2, donning her infamous “Switch” mask, and the fresh addition to the gang, Pearl. 

Payday 3
The Payday 3 open beta is here! Get all the information you need to participate

During the beta, players will have the liberty to select their preferred difficulty level, ensuring that both newcomers and seasoned heisters can enjoy the action-packed gameplay. While you can advance your progress all the way up to Infamy level 22 during the beta phase, it’s important to keep in mind that no progress will carry over to the full game upon its official release.

How does this open beta serve its primary mission? According to the developers, they aim to push the servers to their limit or, as they put it, they “need to break the servers.” Expect some lag, occasional disconnects, and minor glitches in the system. This is exactly the purpose of the technical beta – to ensure that the game is fine-tuned and ready to deliver an unforgettable gaming experience once it is released. Prepare yourself for an epic heist adventure in Payday 3!

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How to enter the Payday 3 open beta?

To gain access to the open beta of Payday 3, users on Xbox Series X|S and PC should do as follows:

  • Xbox: Go to the Xbox Insider Hub, then enter previews and select Payday 3
  • PC: Login to Steam, then enter the Payday 3 store page and select “Request access

When will the Payday 3 open beta be available?

As mentioned before, the Payday 3 technical open beta will begin on September 8, 2023, at the following times:

  • 3:00 PM PST
  • 5:00 PM CST
  • 6:00 PM EST

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The beta will be available until September 10, 2023, at the following times:

  • 8:00 AM PST
  • 10:00 AM CST
  • 11:00 AM EST

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